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In Focus Women In Profile - Deb Clark

IN FOCUS WOMEN IN PROFILE – Deb Clark, New Zealand

What sparked your interest in photography?

Initially it was because my partner was a photographer. I could stand around just watching and forever waiting or get involved myself. One good shot and I was addicted. When I am interested in something I have that personality that says ok is not enough. I have to dive deep, learning, practising, and doing things to the very best of my ability. What I love about photography is that it takes you on a never-ending journey of discovery. It sits along nicely with my enjoyment of being outside. It gives me reasons for getting up early, for hiking in remote places and puts you completely in the moment. It is so good for the soul. How long have you been shooting for?

About 6 years, although I was mostly out of action for the better part of 2 years following an accident. What is your favorite type of photography? Absolutely my first love is landscape. Recently though, I have been playing with macro and depth of field. You can’t always be climbing a mountain, so this gives me the accessibility I need to simply enjoy the camera in my hand often. What is in your camera bag?

Oh how this has grown!

Nikon Z7 - Nikkor Z 14-24mm f/2.8 S - Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S - Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 Bag: fstopgear Kashmir (designed for women’s smaller frame) Tripod: Peak Design carbon fibre Clip: Peak Design – for easy accessibility when hiking Filters: Nisi 100mm starter kit, 1.2 soft grad ND, Polarizer - For back up and occasional use: 15 stop, Explorer filter set, Night filter Tip: I always have a disposable shower cap for quickly putting over the camera if it starts to rain. When I’m hiking long distances and up mountains and I need something lighter - Tamron 24-300mm f/3.5-6.3 What would your dream kit be?

I have my ‘dream’ setup. All mirrorless. I will of course want to upgrade it over time as technology develops. What software do you use to process your images?

Adobe Lightroom and I am currently learning Photoshop Who are your top 3 photography inspirations?

Cath Simard: She is an incredible photographer who works hard to get fabulous images, a master at editing and a beautiful person. Brent Purcell: He got me started and has taught and continues to teach me so much. Marco Grassi: I really like his style. It’s clean and clear and moody and his images remain realistic. What are your top 3 bucket list locations you want to shoot?

Canada lakes: This trip was cancelled due to Covid. Back to Iceland. My shoulder was in a sling on this trip so I wasn’t feeling my best and had to miss out on some shooting I usually would have been up for. Plus, I’d like to take the Z7 as my previous camera wasn’t really up to shooting the lights. Peru/Norway – I can’t decide! What advice would you give a beginner? Be open to different ways of doing things. Find people who inspire you and follow them. Mistakes are the best way you learn. Get out there and shoot, shoot and shoot some more! What are your social media handles?

Instagram: @debc_nz Facebook: @Deb Clark Photography NZ


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